Explore is the first of the Tropic SurfScape Triptych Tricky. I was commissioned by Tropic Surf the leading luxury surf trip creators to create a set of artworks that really got to the heart of what their company was all about. Tropic Surf are all about transforming people through the power of surf and one of their favourite quotes is “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain. The first piece is called Explore and this is signified by a single surfer sat outback contemplating the waves and really wanting, searching to find the perfect wave and above the surfer you can see almost an archipelago a line of islands on the right hand side and then a band of light on the left hand side which represents the surfers inspiration and desire to catch a wave. The second piece in the Triptych is called Dream and this is every single surfers dream to be locked in the barrel of a wave being almost chased by darkness but seeing the light emanate from the front of the wave and the perspective of this painting is seen from being in the water through the back of the wave so you can see there is a surfer that is truly deep in the barrel and the light that was in the first piece is now translated to being part of the wave and also emanating from the surfers body there is this dance of light that happens between the surfer and the wave and it’s a similar dance of creativity with the artist and the painting as the painting changes the artist changes and the same is true with the wave and the surfer the surfer has to change and adapt and as the wave changes and adapts. The third piece is called Discover, this is where the dream has been translated to the discovery of what the surfer is truly about and what tropic surf is about which is not just out of transformation but in a transformation of finding the perfect wave and having the ride of your life and so this is a surfer having the ride of their life and shooting through the barrel and just at the end you can see the archipelago of islands that as in the first piece is now seen from an entirely different perspective and this is what you would see if you were in the barrel of a wave.
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