Explore is the first of the Tropic SurfScape Triptych Tricky. I was commissioned by Tropic Surf the leading luxury surf trip creators to create a set of artworks that really got to the heart of what their company was all about. Tropic Surf are all about transforming people through the power of surf and one…
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This SurfScape was created after an incredible days surfing in the Maldives with Yannick. After one of those perfect days where everyone seemed to get just the right wave for them I got to watch Yannick surf and saw just how determined and focused he was to make the best of the wave that came…
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If you met Nat in a bar, and you didn’t know who he was, you’d be immediately struck by his presence. He looks you in the eye and you know that he has something about him. There’s some kind of spark; it’s like looking into the eyes of decades of life experience and wisdom. He…
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Meeting the surfing legend, Mark Richards, was an honour. We’re used to seeing these guys in the surf doing their thing (in Mark’s case, his extraordinary thing with his entirely unique surf technique). Here he is in his t-shirt, sunglasses and his lovely wife Jen sitting together. It was very clear just how close they…
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Damien and Belinda where both drawn to the same work of art straight away. It was tempting to do their relationship Soulscape as they really seem to have qualities that balance each other; they meet in the middle. Instead we focussed on the soul of Damien’s surfing experience. As I asked him about his perfect…
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Mark climbed out of the infinity pool at The Four Seasons in the Maldives. His hair still matted together and his face covered in zinc. He’d just taken the single fin division of the Four Seasons Surfing Champions trophy that day, and was having a quiet chat with his wife Mae. I asked him if…
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